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About Us

Inspector General

The Office of the Inspector General (IG) provides support to the Commanding General by serving as an extension of their eyes, ears, voice, and conscience. IGs serve as impartial fact-finders and problem solvers – honest brokers. The IG performs four functions: assistance, inspections, investigations, and teaching and training.

The RHC-P IG office provides assistance to commanders, Soldiers, Family Members, DA Civilian Employees, and others seeking help with issues related to the U.S. Army. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance.

If you wish to submit an IG Action Request (IGAR), please fill out DA Form 1559 and email the completed form to our office.

Before you tell it to your Inspector General

  • Be sure you have a problem, not just a peeve. (Army Regulation (AR) 20-1)
  • Give your chain of command a chance to solve the problem.  (Per AR 600-20, many problems must be addressed by the chain of command for resolution anyway)
  • If IG assistance is needed, contact your local IG first.  (IG’s at higher commands will normally refer the case to the local IG for action)
  • Be honest and don’t provide misleading information.  (IGs will discover the truth quickly in most cases and there are penalties for knowingly providing false information)
  • Keep in mind that IGs are not policy makers.  (If a policy is flawed you can submit proposed changes on a DA Form 2028: Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms)
  • Keep in mind that IGs can only recommend, not order a resolution.  (Only Commanders can order; the role of the IG is to advise the Commander)
  • Remember IGs can only resolve a case on the basis of fact.  (Your claim that a supervisor has violated the rules doesn’t make it a fact – a claim must be supported with evidence)
  • Don’t expect instant action on your request…Be patient.  (Investigations take time)
  • Be prepared to take “No” for the answer.  (In either case, “yes” or “no,” the IG will explain why…teaching & training)

Contact Us

Office of the Inspector General

Hawaii Office Phone Number(s):


Office Email:


Hawaii Office

Tripler AMC, Room 3142G

Hours of Operations:

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.