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Getting Care

Specialty Clinic Referral Guidelines - Neurosurgery Clinic

Specializing in brain and nervous system disorders with a potential for surgical intervention

  • Patients served: All DEERS eligible DoD Beneficiaries, with priority to Active Duty, VA as space allows, all Ages. Patients will also be prioritized based on urgency of the clinical condition.
  • Requirements to See Neurosurgery:
    • A referral from the Primary Care Provider
    • A recent MRI scan (<90 days)
    • All films/disks need to be mailed to the clinic prior to the appointment or hand carried to the clinic
    • Arrive 15 minutes early to allow for review of hand carried disks/films
    • A completed Neurosurgery questionnaire including all active medications
    • If Air Evac Patient, a completed Patient Movement Record, including patient information and PCP information
    • If patient has co morbidities, a preoperative medical and dental clearance needs to be done prior to the neurosurgical consult

Contact Us

Phone Number: (808) 433-2778 x 463
Fax Number: (808) 433-7078