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Health Services

Women's Health & Pregnancy

Women's Health refers to comprehensive women’s health care as well as health issues that are unique to women, including:

  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Conditions of the Female Organs

Be sure to get early and regular prenatal care to ensure you have a healthy pregnancy. You should also get recommended breast cancer, cervical cancer, and bone density screenings.

Our goal is to ensure the health and readiness of all women at every stage of life.

Women's Health Services

We provide the following Women’s Health services at Tripler Army Medical Center:

Visit the pages above for more information about each specific service. If you have questions about a service, contact our women’s health clinic at 888-683-2778.

How to Make an Appointment

Call 888-683-2778 to make an appointment for women’s health and pregnancy services.

TRICARE Covered Services

TRICARE covers well-woman exams annually for women under age 65 with no cost-share or copayment. TRICARE offers coverage for many women’s health services, includin

Women who are age 65 and older and using TRICARE For Life, you can still get women’s preventive screenings. Get more information about these and other TRICARE covered services

Tripler Patient Resources

Obstetric Clinic Forms and Handouts:
OB Registration Packet 
OB Education Packet
OB Appointment Schedule
Genetic Counseling Class
OB Classes Available
OB Same Day Evaluation Clinic
How to Get a Breast Pump (1)
How to Get a Breast Pump (2)
Lactation Services
Dental Care Recommendations Letter
Instructions for Induction of Labor 
Instructions for Cesarean Delivery
Breastfeeding Resources
Available Postpartum Contraception 
Outpatient Cervical Ripening

Gynecology Clinic Forms and Handouts:
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Information
Same Day Contraception Availability

Dependent Daughter Information Handouts:
Department of the Army Secretarial Designee Program
Secretarial Designee Program Flow Chart
Tripler Army Medical Center Secretarial Designee Packet

Tripler Patient Education

Pregnancy and Postpartum:
The OB Purple Book
Nausea and Vomiting
Over the Counter Medications
Mother to Baby COVID Vaccine Fact Sheet
Newborn Care
Anemia during Pregnancy
Smoke Free during Pregnancy
Questions about Breastfeeding
Fetal Conjunctivitis and Erythromycin
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine
Healthy Eating during Pregnancy
Hepatitis B Vaccination
Protect Your Baby from Bleeding – Vitamin K
Relieving Back Pain during Pregnancy – Part 1
Relieving Back Pain during Pregnancy – Part 2
Postpartum Depression
Moody Mom or Anxious Baby

The HPV Vaccine
Premenstrual Symptom Management
Pap Smears
Women and Sleep

Contact Us


Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Same Day Evaluation Clinic (SDEC) Hours:

Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. 


Directions: The OB/GYN Clinic is located on the 4th Floor Mountainside, Wing H.


Need Help?

Need help accessing reproductive health-contraceptive care?
Contact us and tell us about your challenge. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for a response.

This mailbox isn't for requesting appointments.

If you feel you're experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or have someone drive you to the nearest emergency room.