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Health Services

Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program (BHIOP)


The Behavioral Health IOP is an out­patient behavioral health, time limited, individualized treatment program for active duty military (all branches of service welcome), eligible family members, and retirees 18 years and older. Candi­dates are those in need of more intensive behavioral health treatment than is normally available through the out-patient psychiatric clinic but do not need in­patient hospitalization. The goal of the program is to promote quality patient mental health in the least restrictive and most effica­cious manner possible.

List of Services Provided

Provides a variety of groups and classes covering such varied topics as Anger, Assertiveness, Change, Emotions, Guilt, Mindfulness, Yoga, Stress, Sleep and Learned Optimism.

Other Information 

Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program General Track is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for 4 weeks. Followed by 4 weeks of Aftercare, Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Trauma-Resolution (TRIOP) Track meets Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. for 6 weeks. Followed by 4 weeks of Aftercare, Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Participants must be willing and able to take an active role in their treatment. Treatment includes various psychotherapy groups, psychosocial classes, individual counseling sessions and weekly off site therapeutic outings.


The Consultation and Evaluation process as­sists in determining the suitability of BHIOP treatment. Information provided in the referral should provide a “clinical snapshot” of the medical and psychological needs of the patient. Unless the Patient is being referred from Inpatient/Residential, each Patient needs to have completed a trial of care with their BH Outpatient Provider before being considered for IOP services. Referrals start with a consult submitted to BHIOP from mental health providers through CHCS or AHLTA, found under “Psychiatry-BH INTENSIVE OUTPT PROG TR (BHIOP).” Please leave an email and con­tact number for follow up questions. Coordination of referrals from out­side of Hawaii within the Pacific Rim can be made via PATH if CHCS and AHLTA are not available. When the consult is received an Intake Evaluation appointment will be scheduled. After the pa­tient has completed the required testing and evaluation, our treatment team will meet to determine if the patient and the program are a good fit.

How to make an appointment

This program is by Referral ONLY


Q: What does “trial of care,” mean?
A: Trial of care means the Patient has engaged with their BH Outpatient Provider and tried a BH Treatment Modality and failed. For BHIOP General Track, IOP Clinic requests Patients have worked with their BH Outpatient Provider for at least 4 sessions. For TRIOP, Patients need to have completed a Trauma-focused Modality before being referred to our trauma-intensive program.

Hours of Operations

24/7 or:
Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Federal Holidays: Closed

We accept customer satisfaction feedback through our FOCUS "For Our Customer's Ultimate Satisfaction" Cards (located throughout the hospital) and through our Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) site located on the Internet at If you have any questions, you may contact our Customer Relations office.


Contact Us

Tripler Central Appointment Line


Nurse Advice Line

1-800-TRICARE, option #1

Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program (BHIOP) Clinic

Phone number: 808-433-7480
Fax number: 808-433-1698

Directions to Clinic

8th floor Oceanside (8A-008A)