Pediatric, Adolescent & Young Adult Medical Home
If you need emergency care, go directly to the emergency room at the nearest hospital, or call 911.
Our Mission
To support military readiness and promotion of health by providing safe, patient-centered healthcare and developing the future generation of military providers in pediatric and adolescent medicine.
Our Vision
To be the premier, trusted medical home for newborn patients to 26 year-old by providing high quality, evidence-based, state of the art healthcare while fostering an environment of safety and satisfaction that promotes education and development of our `Ohana.
Our Core Values
Mutual respect
Safe and efficient care
Compassion and empathy
Continuous improvement
Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic (AYAHC) - Click to learn more about our mission, vision, and services.
Do I need emergency care services?
An emergency is a sudden and unexpected medical condition, or the worsening of a condition, which poses a threat to life, limb or sight, and requires immediate treatment. It can also be defined as a sudden, extremely painful condition which requires immediate treatment to alleviate suffering. You have a couple different options for Urgent/Emergency Care when needed, when there are no appointments available with you. PCMH Team and you have an urgent issue that needs to be seen that day.
School and Sports Physical Exams
Please inform the person scheduling your appointment that you are needing a School and or Sports Physical so that your appointment can be scheduled appropriately. The required forms that need to be completed can be found by clicking on the links below. This will allow you to have the forms filled out prior to your appointment to ensure that your scheduled appointment is completed in a timely manner.
Please turn in your completed forms at the front desk when you arrive for your appointment. Depending on the program your child is going to attend, you may find some of the forms needed below. If unsure of the form needed, please contact the school or facility for information.
Survey of Wellness in Young Children (Developmental and Behavioral Screening and Surveillance Forms 2 months until 5 years)
The Survey of Well-being of Young Children (SWYC)™ is a freely-available, comprehensive screening instrument for children under 5 years of age. The SWYC was written to be simple to answer, short, and easy to read. The entire instrument requires 15 minutes or less to complete and is straightforward to score and interpret. The SWYC is approved by MassHealth for compliance with the Children's Behavioral Health Initiative screening guidelines. The SWYC is copyright © 2010 Tufts Medical Center.
Recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics
According to the AAP policy statement on developmental surveillance and screening, “it is appropriate to perform additional developmental screens using validated tests. These screenings should be recognized separately, with appropriate coding, billing, and payment and with the additional cost acknowledged in capitated expectation.” The policy statement provides “a list of developmental screening tests and their psychometric testing properties,” noting that “these screening tests, which are focused on parent-completed tools, have acceptable psychometric properties.” The table includes the SWYC Milestones under “general developmental screening tests”, the BPSC and PPSC under “behavioral screening tests”, and the POSI under “Autism Screening: Promising Tests”.
Lipkin PH, Macias MM, AAP Council on Children with Disabilities, Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Promoting Optimal Development: Identifying Infants and Young Children With Developmental Disorders Through Developmental Surveillance and Screening. Pediatrics. 2020;145(1):e20193449.
Survey of Wellness in Young Children Forms Click the age of the child to complete the screening for your child: (NOTE: These forms are created with Adobe PDF. If your device does not have Adobe or an equivalent application there might be difficulties filling out these forms.)
SWYC: 2 months – for children between 1 month, 0 days to 3 months, 31 days
SWYC: 4 months – for children between 4 months, 0 days to 5 months, 31 days
SWYC: 6 months – for children between 6 months, 0 days to 8 months, 31 days
SWYC: 9 months – for children between 9 months, 0 days to 11 months, 31 days
SWYC: 12 months – for children between 12 months, 0 days to 14 months, 31 days
SWYC: 15 months– for children between 15 months, 0 days to 17 months, 31 days
SWYC: 18 months– for children between 18 months, 0 days to 22 months, 31 days
SWYC: 24 months– for children between 23 months, 0 days to 28 months, 31 days
SWYC: 30 months– for children between 29 months, 0 days to 34 months, 31 days
SWYC: 36 months– for children between 35 months, 0 days to 46 months, 31 days
SWYC: 48 months– for children between 47 months, 0 days to 58 months, 31 days
SWYC: 60 months– for children between 59 months, 0 days to 65 months, 31 days
*If there are any additional supplementary forms that need to be completed for your child, please bring them with you to your appointment pre-filled with your child's name and date of birth, etc. *Vision Checks for children 3 years and older - If your child wears glasses please bring with them to appointment.
Reach Out and Read Program
Reach Out and Read is working toward the day when all children enter kindergarten supported by highly engaged parents, ready to learn, and prepared to excel. Fewer than half (48 percent) of young children in the United States are read to daily. Proficiency in reading by the end of third grade is a crucial marker in a child's education development. A stunning 66 percent of fourth graders in public school were reading below proficient levels in 2013.
Books at home, parents reading aloud, and early language skills have long demonstrated to be vital precursors to later success in learning to read. Children living in low-income families are exposed to a much less language rich environment than their more affluent peers.
The program begins at the 6-month checkup and continues through age 5, with a special emphasis on children growing up in low-income families, where children are most at risk for reading failure. Every child in the program enters kindergarten with a home library of at least 10 books and parents who understand the importance of reading aloud.
What's different about a medical home?
Each patient partners with a primary care clinician and nurses who take responsibility for your health and coordinate care with an extended team of behavioral health professionals, pharmacists, sub-specialists and others. Your core team works with you over time to take care of new health concerns as they arise, ensure delivery of preventive screening and services, manage chronic health problems, and promote a spirit of health and wellness. This relationship – between each patient and his or her health care team is the heart of the Medical Home.
Enhanced Role of Nursing
When you do come in for a visit, you will notice that your nurse plays a greater role than you might be used to. Your nurse will spend more time listening to your concerns, help you communicate those concerns to your doctor, and then make sure that you understand the care plan and that all of your questions are answered.
Change your PCM
*Online: Log in to Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE) at
*Telephone: Call us at 1-844-866-WEST
Helpful Links & Numbers
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Call 808-433-4441 (Army) / 808-433-9644 (Navy)
Tripler Exceptional Family Member Program
Army Medical Exceptional Family Member Program
Tripler Army Medical Center Pharmacy Information
Call Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. to schedule an appointment
Office number: 808-433-3732 Call Monday-Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. to schedule an appointment: Call 808-433-2778 (press 3, opt. 7, and then opt.1)
Or See Community Breastfeeding Resources for information on Support groups, classes, and community resources
Tripler: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Location Tripler OB Clinic, Mountainside
Schofield: Monday
Location: Schofield Barracks Clinic, Clinic G, Call the Schofield Clinic @ 433-8131
Warrior Ohana: Thursday
Location: 91-1010 Shangrila Street, Kapolei call the Warrior Ohana Clinic @ 433-5420
Patient Education Resources
MEDLINE Plus offers access to the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Online X-Plain Health Education Tutorials
We accept customer satisfaction feedback through our FOCUS "For Our Customer's Ultimate Satisfaction" Cards (located throughout the hospital) and through our Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) site located on the Internet at If you have any questions, you may contact our Customer Relations office.