Radiology (MRI)
List of Services Provided
- MRI Abdomen and Pelvis
- MRI Breast
- MRI Cardiac
- MRI Chest/Thoracic
- MRI Musculoskeletal
- MRI Neuro
- MRI Pediatric/Fetal
Hours of Operations
24/7 Monday-Friday
Saturday/Sunday 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Training Holidays: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. with on call service after these duty hours.
Federal Holidays: Closed with on call services
How to make an appointment
Q: What do I wear to my appointment?
A: No jewelry, you will be asked to change into scrubs or hospital gown.
Q. What if I have a medical implant?
A. Please inform the scheduler of your implant with make and model.
Patient Screening form MRI
We accept customer satisfaction feedback through our FOCUS "For Our Customer's Ultimate Satisfaction" Cards (located throughout the hospital) and through our Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) site located on the Internet at If you have any questions, you may contact our Customer Relations office.